I woke up to a sore throat and stuffy nose courtesy of my oh-so-generous-husband! Thanks, babe! You could've kept those germs to yourself, I wouldn't have minded, honest! My goal was to go to Walmart for groceries before the crowds of lunch time. So I made it all the way up to Federal Way to the Super Walmart, only to discover that I had left my wallet at home in my gym bag!
So I headed back down the hill, gathered up my wallet, reusable shopping bags and coupons that I had forgotten the first time and put them in my trunk. I sat down to start my car...I'd locked my keys in my trunk! Good one Cassie! Luckily, I hadn't locked my car when I ran inside for the wallet so I could just pop the trunk open and grab them and go. Good thing, 'cause I let my AAA lapse so I don't have them to fall back on anymore!
The good news of the day.... there's this strange orb of glowing light in the sky making it so we might, might get up to 75 today! So despite the craptastic morning, the sun is finally shining and I'm a happy girl!
Just a bit of trivia: it has been 272 days since we've hit 75 degrees or higher! Since September 23rd of last year!! The old record - 254 days!
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