Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Craigslist Love

This past weekend, I finally did what I said I was going to do.  

About this time last year, Rico and I cleaned out the garage, threw out a lot of stuff and reorganized it so we could actually walk in there.  I also made a pile of my wedding decor that we had saved and was still usable.  Well this weekend was gorgeous (the gray rainy Seattle weather is back in full force this week though) so I got the camera out and started photographing/inventorying what we had stockpiled from the wedding.  I then posted it on Craigslist to see if we'd get any bites.  And sure enough, we were able to sell our first box of foam Plumerias on Sunday (to a lovely girl who is getting married in a Florida destination wedding).  I'm loving the whole Craigslist thing!

We have one more box of margarita candles that we didn't even put out because I forgot to in the rush of the reception day.  What a waste there!

We're keeping the lanterns that we got for super cheap at Bed Bath & Beyond on clearance.  When we bought them, we knew we wanted to save them for our future house - they'll look great on a deck or in the garden/backyard.

Other than that, Rico is swamped right now with homework (finals are coming up so apparently they are trying to cram everything in at the end of the quarter).  But despite that, he's lost 8lbs on his Biggest Loser diet.  Tonight we're having dinner over at Billy & Nakita's (with their adorable son Aiden).  I have no idea what we're having but it probably won't be healthy.  I guess I'll just have to do the best I can and try to implement the whole portion control thing...wish me luck!

1 comment:

  1. Is there a feeling more lovely in the world than having sold something you don't even want to someone who is happy to buy it?

    I love Craigslist!

    But in a pinch? Freecycle is lovely too.

    And after that? The dump.

    I am all about clearing out the extra stuff.
