He survived!
"Worst night of sleep in my life" is what Rico said about spending the night away from me... of course, that could be all the sensors, as well as the poking and prodding that was going on. I choose to think it was the former. ::There is no harm in letting me live in my delusional state::Below is proof of the torture chamber...Rico spent over 12 hrs getting monitored. We should have the results in the next 2-3 weeks.
I also went to the doctor today. Dr. Wallace ordered blood tests for me to rule out PCOS (Polycystic Ovary Disease) as a reason for my anovulatory cycles. I'll get that done tomorrow and have the results in a few days (probably Monday due to the holidays though).Christmas is on Friday...all the presents are wrapped and now all we're waiting for is Santa to show up. We've lit up our house so he can find us easily! You can't tell from the picture, but those are penguins underneath the window in the flower bed. I like all white lights and Rico loves the multi-colored, so this was our compromise.
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